A usability analysis of e-commerce systems: Prestashop, Magento and Joomla

Marcin Wijaszka

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Mariusz Dzieńkowski

Lublin University of Technology


This article focuses on the analysis of available open-source e-commerce systems in terms of their usability in the context of factors such as website consistency, interactivity, interface memorability and the level of aesthetics. The study compares the Prestashop, Magento, and Joomla with the HikaShop module. An experiment was prepared, consisting of three elements: a test scenario, during which the task completion time was measured, an eye-tracking study, providing objective results showing how users look at a given system and a survey aiming to obtain opinions on the analyzed systems. Each e-commerce platform was tested by a different research group of 10 people who had not used these systems before. The results of the study indicate that the Prestashop system offers the most efficient interfaces, presenting content and providing functions that are more easily assimilated and better understood by users compared to the other two tested systems.


e-commerce systems, usability analysis, eye tracking

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Cited by

Wijaszka, M., & Dzieńkowski, M. (2024). A usability analysis of e-commerce systems: Prestashop, Magento and Joomla. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 32, 239–245. https://doi.org/10.35784/jcsi.6313


Marcin Wijaszka 
Lublin University of Technology Poland


Mariusz Dzieńkowski 

Lublin University of Technology


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