Performance analysis of relational databases Oracle and MS SQL based on desktop application
Grzegorz Dziewit of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36B, 20-618 Lublin, Poland (Poland)
Jakub Korczyński
Institute of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36B, 20-618 Lublin, Poland (Poland)
Maria Skublewska-Paszkowska
Institute of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36B, 20-618 Lublin, Poland (Poland)
Comparison of efficiency is not a trivial phenomenon because of disparities between different database systems. This paper presents a methodology of comparing relational database systems in respect of mean time of execution individual DML queries containing subqueries and conjunction of tables. The presented methodology can be additionally accommodated to studies of efficiency in a range of database system itself (study of queries executed directly in database engine). The described methodology allows to receive statement telling which database system is better in comparison to another in dependency of functionalities fulfilled by external application. In the article the analysis of mean time of execution individual DML queries was performed.Two research hypotheses have been put forward: "Microsoft SQL Server database system needs less time to execute INSERT and UPDATE queries than Oracle database" and "Oracle database system needs less time to execute DML queries with binary data than SQL Server"
relational databases efficiency; DML operations; desktop application; Oracle; MSSQLReferences
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Institute of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36B, 20-618 Lublin, Poland Poland
Jakub KorczyńskiInstitute of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36B, 20-618 Lublin, Poland Poland
Maria Skublewska-PaszkowskaInstitute of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36B, 20-618 Lublin, Poland Poland
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