A method for logging and visualization of mobile device motion
Maciej Kulig
kulig.maciej@pollub.edu.plLublin University of Technology (Poland)
Jakub Smołka
The article presents the possibility to use mobile devices for recording and visualizing motion. Research focuses on Android devices. The study was written application for mobile devices that allows reading data from the magnetic sensor and acceleration sensor in three axes X, Y and Z. The tests were made on two devices with similar characteristics. Selected results are presented in the tables.
mobile devices; acceleration sensor; logging motion deviceReferences
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[2] Android, the world's most popular mobile platform, http://developer.android.com/guide/basics/what-isandroid.html [22.05.2016]
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[5] Gartner Says Smartphone Sales Surpassed One Billion Units in 2014, http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2996817 [03.04.2016]
[6] Paulo Sergio De Brito Andre:Accelerometers: Principles, Structure and Applications. Electrical Engineering Developments Physics Research and Technology, 2013. Computer Animation algorithms and techniques
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[8] Żyroskopy i akcelerometry MEMS w elektronice użytkowej, http://elektronikab2b.pl/technika/12098-zyroskopy-iakcelerometry-mems-w-elektronice-uzytkowej#.V7FfeJiLRQ [23.05.2016]
[9] Sensors Overview, https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/sensors/sensors_overview.html [01.03.2016]
[10] JT – Automatyka i programowanie, http://www.jtjt.pl/calkowanie-rownan-rozniczkowych [30.03.2016]
[11] Metody komputerowe (2003/2004), http://www.se.put.poznan.pl/almamater/wyklady/metody_komputerowe_03-04/ [08.06.2016]
[12] Android Developers, https://developer.android.com [23.06.2016]
[13] AndroidLand, http://androidland.pl/sdk/struktura-systemuandroid-2/ [11.02.2016]
[14] Licenses | Android Open Source Project,
https://source.android.com/source/licenses.html [04.05.2016]
[15] LG G Pad 8.0 V490 Dane techniczne telefonu :: mGSM.pl,
http://www.mgsm.pl/pl/katalog/lg/gpad8.0v490/LG-G-Pad8.0-V490.html [4.06.2016]
[16] Samsung Galaxy A3 SM-A3009 Galaxy A3 LTE, SMA300YZ, SM-A300FU, SM-A300FZ, SM-A300M, SMA300Y Dane techniczne telefonu :: mGSM.pl,
msung-Galaxy-A3-SM-A3009.html [04.06.2106]
Kulig, M., & Smołka, J. (2016). A method for logging and visualization of mobile device motion . Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 1(1), 20–24. https://doi.org/10.35784/jcsi.77
Jakub SmołkaPoland
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