Comparative analysis tools for interfaces prototyping
Stanisław Lipski
staslipski@interia.plLublin University of Technology (Poland)
Marek Miłosz
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Comparative analysis tools for user interfaces prototyping was conducted using a mixed method consisting in the implementation of active experiment with the use of tools for the research group, conducting surveys and expert analysis of technical parameters of tools for prototyping. Study results have helped determine the values of diagnostic variables that have been used in the multi-selection method of the best
tool selection.
user interface; prototyping; supporting tools; multi-criteria selectionReferences
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[12] A. Cid-López, M. Hornos, R. Carrasco, E. Herrera-Viedma, Applying a linguistic multi-criteria decision-making model to the analysis of ICT suppliers’ offers. Expert Systems with Applications, 57, 2016, 127-138.
[13] W. Bleek, M. Jeenicke, R. Klischewski, Developing Web-based Applications through e-Prototyping. Hamburg University, Department for Informatics, Software Engineering Group, 2002
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Lipski, S., & Miłosz, M. (2016). Comparative analysis tools for interfaces prototyping . Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 1(1), 38–43.
Marek MiłoszLublin University of Technology Poland
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