Łukasz Jaworski
lukasz.m.jaworski@student.put.poznan.plPoznan University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management (Poland)
Robert Karpiński
Biomedical Engineering Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, 36 Nadbystrzycka St., 20-618 Lublin, Poland (Poland)
Angelika Dobrowolska
Faculty of Medicine with Dentistry Division, Medical University of Lublin, 1 Racławickie Ave., 20-059 Lublin, Poland (Poland)
The article presents basics of the human upper limb’s anatomy, including skeletal system, joints and basic division of muscles in the limb. The biomechanics of the upper limb is introduced. The range of performed motions is depicted. The possible applications of anatomy and biomechanics of the upper limb are shown.
upper limb, anatomy, biomechanics, biomechanismReferences
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Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management Poland
Robert KarpińskiBiomedical Engineering Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, 36 Nadbystrzycka St., 20-618 Lublin, Poland Poland
Angelika DobrowolskaFaculty of Medicine with Dentistry Division, Medical University of Lublin, 1 Racławickie Ave., 20-059 Lublin, Poland Poland
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