Accessibility of Cultural Heritage
Calogero Bellanca
calogero.bellanca@uniroma1.itSapienza, University of Rome (Italy)
Susana Mora Alonso-Muñoyerro
Cecilia Antonini Lanari
Accessibility is a fundamental point to enjoy cultural heritage. An operative aspect which with different theoretical methodologies and practical projects can reach critical-conservative solutions. A first step may be to conserve the different stratification, all historic periods, and the impact in the surroundings for single preexistences and archeological sites. For archeological sites, it is necessary not to forget historical solutions which contributed to inspire the Venice Charter. A second step is an urban dimension for the accessibility in the historic centres and the pedestrian itineraries. To summarize the values Riegl, as we know, divided them in two main groups: the memorial values as age value, historical value and intended memorial value; and the present day values as use value, art value, newness value and relative art value. And when there is a conflict between use value and historical value, the treatment of a monument should, above all, take into account the age value. This will be a principal for the guidelines in the problem of accessibility. Many of these problems can be resolve with an appropriate design. This reintegration of the image even for the urban restoration than for the conservation of environment. In this paper, we want to present different ways of making the cultural heritage accessible to everyone, not only the obvious priorities of physical accessibility, but also accessibility in the form of understanding and experiencing.
Accessibility, Security, Knowledge, Arrival, entering historical sitesReferences
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