„Problemy Ekorozwoju” / „Problems of Sustainable Development” is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary half-yearly journal published in English language by Lublin University of Technology, in an electronic version. The articles presented in this journal concern sustainable development problematics from the fields (categories) of architecture and urban planning, environmental engineering, mining and energy, forest sciences, agriculture and horticulture, philosophy, socioeconomic geography, spatial planning, security sciences, management and quality sciences, legal sciences, sociological sciences. The journal publishes in open access formula under the Creative Commons Attribution licence – CC BY 4.0 Int. (until 2023 inclusive CC BY-SA). Since 2008 the journal's articles are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases. (more)

- Web of Science
- Scopus
- BazTech
- Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection
- IC Journals Master List
- Scopus
- PBN - Polska Bibliografia Naukowa, Index Copernicus
- Sherpa Romeo