
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is currently under consideration by another journal.
  • The article is written in English language.
  • The article file is in one of the editable formats: .doc, .docx.
  • Text pages are of the A4 size, 10-point Times New Roman font.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The article includes in Polish and English language: title, authors’ data, abstract, keywords, main text, bibliography, biographic notes of all the authors.
  • The authors’ data placed on the first page of the article include: full names and surnames of the authors (not only initials), affiliations (university, department, city, country), e-mail, ORCID number.
  • The abstract does not exceed 300 words nor contains references, briefly describes the aims, materials, methodology and main results and conclusions of the described research.
  • The number of the keywords does not exceed 6.
  • Drawings, charts, photographs and all descriptions included therein are made as single objects (e.g. there are no descriptions made "on the drawing" in the form of text fields).
  • Descriptions on drawings, diagrams or photographs are in English and have a size of 9 pt.
  • Equations are prepared in Microsoft Equation Editor or MathType up to version 7.0.
  • Units of measurement are presented simply and concisely using System International (SI) units.
  • All acknowledgments, including supporting grants, presentations etc., are placed at the very end of the paper before the references.
  • The bibliography and the citations have been prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for authors.
  • The reference list is given at the end of the article and arranged alphabetically by surnames of the first authors; all the references are cited within the text.
  • The bibliography is prepared in the Latin alphabet.
  • Where available, URLs and links DOI for the references have been provided.
  • The information in each reference is complete and accurate.


Cooperation with Problemy Ekorozwoju / Problems of Sustainable Development  journal 


The topic areas of the articles published in the Problemy Ekorozwoju / Problems of Sustainable Development journal are:  architecture and urban planning, environmental engineering, mining and energy, forest sciences, agriculture and horticulture, philosophy, socioeconomic geography, spatial planning, security sciences, management and quality sciences, legal sciences, sociological sciences.

Important. Every paper submitted to Problemy Ekorozwoju / Problems of Sustainable Development should refer to the basic paradigms of sustainable development (so include social, economic and environmental issues and Sustainable Development Goals). We also prefer international comparisons than local studies, since problems are usually international or even global. We do not print papers based on bibliometric analysis only. We also do not print papers based on aggregate measures, if they don’t include differences between countries and trends in time.

The authors are asked to make submissions only via the LUT PH platform.

The papers may be submitted throughout the year, except for two breaks – summer break (1.07–15.09) and winter break (15.12–5.01).

The journal publishes only the original papers, which have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration by another journal. The manuscripts submitted by any other person than one of the authors will not be accepted. The submitting author makes a statement that the article’s publication has been approved by all other co-authors.

Important: The journal does not print more than one paper of the same author/authors not only in the actual number of the journal, but also in the following number. So the publication is possible only once a year. We also do not print more than 2 papers from one university in a single number.

The journal does not charge submission or publication fees for the manuscripts. 

All the graphics and the pictures or photographs must be prepared by the authors. Using of grahics and pictures made by the other parites, just by writing the source is not allowable. The copyright rights must be bought or written permission from the author of copyrighted graphic obtained.


Organization of the article and the reviewing process

The average waiting time for publication is 6 months, because two issues are published each year.

Having received the submission the editorial board checks whether the paper meets the basic topic requirements – if the paper was written from the perspective of sustainable development and includes international comparisons (local level is acceptable only in case of the subjects unique from the international perspective). We also do not print papers of only bibliometric nature. If the basic criteria are fulfilled, two detailed reviews are prepared within 3 weeks.

The article must fulfil all the conditions included in the checklist above. Detailed guidelines to prepare the article are included in the file template.doc. It is vital that tha article would be prepared according to the journal's guidelines.

All the submitted works are checked in the anti-plagiarism program Crossref Similiarity Check (iThenticate). The overall similarity (Similarity Index) may not exceed the limit of 30%, and the single paper similarity may not exceed the limit 10%. Otherwise, the paper will be rejected by the editor and no other chance will be given to the author(s) to re-submit it.

Each article is a subject of the double-blind peer review. The works received after a positive assessment of the editorial office are sent to the reviewers, whose identity remains unknown for the author. In a situation where the article receives one positive and one negative review, the editorial office sends the article to the third review or makes the independent decision whether to accept or reject the text. In case of revisions required the authors have one month for revision. Detailed information about reviewing process are available here.

The review form is available here.


References guidelines

References quoted in the text should be given in parentheses and include the author’s surname and the publication year e.g. (Anderson, 2023). References should be listed as the following:

Surname and name initials of the author(s), year, article title, magazine title in italic, volume, issue, pages: from-to, DOI number. Example:
WALLACE K.J., 2007, Classification of ecosystem services: problems and solutions, Biological Conservation 139(2): 235-246,

Surname and name initials of the author(s), publication year, title  in italic, publishers’ name, publisher’s location. Example:
ROSE K.H., 2005, Project Quality Management: Why What, and How, Ross Publishing, Richmond, USA.

Publication in collective works
Surname and name initials of the author(s), publication year, article title, surname and name initials of the monograph editor(s), title of the monograph (in italic font),  publisher’s name, publishers location, pages: from-to: Example:
PAPUZINSKI A., 2004, Philosophical Aspects of Sustainable Development Principle, Philosophical, Social and Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development, ed. Pawlowski A., Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland: 25-32.

Institution/ name of the web site, year of publication, title of the publication, Internet address, date of access. Example:
UNDP, 2015, Sustainable Development Goals, (2.01.2023).

All the graphics and the pictures or photographs must be prepared by the authors. Using of grahics and pictures made by the other parites, just by writing the source is not allowable. The copyright rights must be bought or written permission from the author of copyrighted graphic obtained.


More information about the journal is here.