Publishing frequency: half-yearly, published in January and July

Year of the first number: 2006

ISSN: 2080-1971 (on-line), 1895-6912 (previously printed)

Publisher: Lublin University of Technology

Patronage: European Academy of Science and Arts

Fields/Categories:  architecture and urban planning, environmental engineering, mining and energy, forest sciences, agriculture and horticulture, philosophy, socioeconomic geography, spatial planning, safety engineering, management and quality sciences, legal sciences, sociological sciences

Language: English

Review type: double-blind peer review

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution – CC BY 4.0 Int. (until 2023 inclusive CC BY-SA)

Self-archiving policy: the author is allowed to publish the publisher’s version of the articles

Indexed in: Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Scopus, Index Copernicus, Social Science Research Network, BazTech

Impact Factor: 1,1 (2022)

5-Year Impact Factor: 0,956 (2021)

Index Copernicus Value ICV: 148.64 (2022)

SJR Scimago Journal & Country Rank H-Index: 22 (2022)

CiteScore: 1.9 (2022)

Detailed information

The main aim of the journal is to strengthen its multidisciplinary and international approach and its capacity to integrate diverse research perspectives. The journal stands out for its holistic approach to exploring relationships between various spheres of sustainability and UN Sustainable Development Goals. We welcome authors that represent technical, natural and social sciences, enabling them the creation of holistic analyses of sustainability issues.

Scope of the journal

Problemy Ekorozwoju / Problems of Sustainable Development (first issue published in 2006)  is an interdisciplinary journal, connected with different sciences, from philosophy, through economy to environmental engineering. Every paper should however refer to the basic paradigms of sustainable development (so include social, economic and environmental issues and Sustainable Development Goals). We also prefer international comparisons than local studies, since problems are usually international or even global. We do not publish articles based on bibliometric analysis or aggregate measures, if they don’t include differences between countries and trends in time.


COPE standards

The editorial team, publisher, authors and reviewers are obliged to follow the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing described by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In case of suspicion of violation of ethical and/or publishing rules, the situation will be clarified in accordance with COPE procedures (COPE flowcharts). All authors should disclose in their article any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that may affect the results or interpretation of their article. 

The COPE ethical principles  and Problemy Ekorozwoju/ Problems of Sustainability Development.

All the submitted manuscripts are verified in the Crossref Similarity Check (powered by iThenticate) to prevent the plagiarism and duplicate publications.



All the articles in the journal are shared under the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY 4.0 Int.). Articles published before 2024 are made available under the CC BY-SA licence. The CC BY 4.0. Int. licence consists in properly attributing the work, providing a link to its licence and indicating the changes made in it, if there have been any. It can be done in any way, unless it suggests that the licence provider supports the user or the way he or she uses the work. 

The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions and to retain publishing rights without restrictions.

The journal is published and financed by Lublin University of Technology and European Academy of Science and Arts.