Philosophy of Sustainable Development: Understanding the Significance of Gender Equality in Business Organisations

Purnima Lenka
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dhanbad, India (India)


Sustainable development is a significant concern for practitioners, researchers, and activists. Literature on this area has shown that gender inequality is one of the biggest hurdles in the process of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Business leaders, policymakers, politicians, practitioners, and researchers from all fields should understand the significance of gender equality, without which it is impossible to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The UN gives a call to countries and individuals to make some effort to achieve gender equality. It directly refers to the target of SDG5 and indirectly the other dimensions, including poverty, girl-child education, economy, child death ratios, forced marriage, violence against women, etc. Gender equality is an axiological appraisal to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.  For that, this paper tries to determine the necessity of gender equality in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. It mainly focuses on two objectives first one is the necessity of gender equality, and the second one is the role of business organizations in achieving gender equality.


gender equality, sustainable development, business organizations, women empowerment

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Cited by

Lenka , P. (2023). Philosophy of Sustainable Development: Understanding the Significance of Gender Equality in Business Organisations . Problemy Ekorozwoju, 18(2), 121–127.


Purnima Lenka
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dhanbad, India India


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