On the Relationship Between ISO Standards and Sustainable Development
Enriko Ceko
enrikoceko@yahoo.co.ukCanadian Institute of Technology, Street Xhanfize Keko 12, Tirana, Albania (Albania)
The survival of humans and other organisms requires healthy ecosystems and environments. Towards the sustainability path, a social challenge, entailing international and national law, urban planning and transport, supply chain management local and individual lifestyles, and ethical consumerism is needed. International Standards Organization is working on matching SD Goals with ISO standards. The main goal of conducting this research was to clarify the relations between sustainable development and quality management. This was done by handling a regression analysis between the Sustainable development goals Index and ISO Standards Index to verify Hypothesis H1 (There is not any relation between SDG Index and ISO 9001 Index) against Hypothesis H0 (There is a strong relation between SDG Index and ISO 9001 Index). The results of the research are that scientific management of factors of production creates opportunities for long-term sustainable development, guaranteeing future generations’ normal life and society’s wealth, promoting economic growth, and quality life improvement, without damaging the environment, applying quality management principles and ISO standards, as efficient and effective tools, and this is needed immediately. On the other hand, scientific management of factors of production requires ISO standards application, so, a connection and relations between sustainable development and ISO standards, should exist. The general outcome of the research (also the practical and social outcome, as well as contribution to the field), is that looking forward to achieving and maintaining sustainable development scenarios, for all interested parties, individuals, public and private institutions, decision-makers, and civil society, applying quality management principles and ISO standards, as efficient and effective tools, as an immediate need, all parties should look forward to making sure building relations and connections between SDG and ISO standards, a connection which currently doesn’t exist.
sustainable development, quality management, ISO standards, ISO standards IndexReferences
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Enriko Cekoenrikoceko@yahoo.co.uk
Canadian Institute of Technology, Street Xhanfize Keko 12, Tirana, Albania Albania
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