Effect of Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Performance in Supply Chain Management

Shuang Wang

Zhejiang Wanli University, School of Business, Ningbo 315100, China (China)

Guixian Tian

Pingxiang University, School of Business, Pingxiang, 337000, China (China)

Tahir Islam

Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Organisation and Management, Poland (Poland)

Farhan Zeb Khaskhelly

University of Sindh Jamshoro, IBA, Pakistan (Pakistan)

Maria Aijaz Shaikh

University of Sindh Jamshoro, IBA, Pakistan (Pakistan)


This article discussed the major effect of blockchain technology for sustainable performance in Supply chain management (SCM). Blockchain technology is a technology that performs several operations without letting the information get lost. This digital technology of blockchain will show the potential to reshape the management of supply chain operations in various companies. We will investigate the impact of blockchain technology in relation to efficiency and sustainability. As an example recently the operations in the airport industry have been improving due to technological advances as blockchain technology is handling all the information in the warehouses about product delivery and services in SCM. This technology allows companies to track all types of transactions more securely and transparently and blockchain technology shows benefits, especially in terms of improving Operational Management. The technological disruptions that have an effect on operations must include A-CDM (Airport collaborative decision-making) disruption management and there should be a collaborative network where everyone shares mutual trust and common culture in order to avoid disruption. Airports are still under research in terms of managing blockchain technology efficiently and effectively. The database which is decentralized causes the transactions to be transparent, reliable, traceable, and efficient to supply chain management. This article will be useful to understand the importance of blockchain technology for maintaining sustainability in the operations of SCM along with that we will take an example of SCM in the airport industry to understand how this technology is used there.


blockchain technology, digital technology, Supply Chain Management, sustainable development

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Cited by

Wang, S., Tian, G., Islam, T., Khaskhelly, F. Z., & Shaikh, M. A. (2023). Effect of Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Performance in Supply Chain Management. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 18(2), 159–166. https://doi.org/10.35784/preko.3954


Shuang Wang 

Zhejiang Wanli University, School of Business, Ningbo 315100, China China


Guixian Tian 
Pingxiang University, School of Business, Pingxiang, 337000, China China


Tahir Islam 

Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Organisation and Management, Poland Poland


Farhan Zeb Khaskhelly 

University of Sindh Jamshoro, IBA, Pakistan Pakistan


Maria Aijaz Shaikh 

University of Sindh Jamshoro, IBA, Pakistan Pakistan


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