Ecological Supply Chain: Tools For Evaluating E-Waste – World Perspective

Liao Meihui

Tongji University, School of Economic and Management, China (China)

Maryam Khokhar
Bahria Business School, Department of Business Studies, University Karachi Campus, Karachi, Pakistan (Pakistan)

Indrajit Patra

An Independent Researcher, Ex-Research Scholar at NIT Durgapur, Durgapur, West Bengal, India (India)


When a company's supply chain has achieved a desirable degree of eco-friendliness in all regards, from a sustainability perspective, its performance will be satisfactory. Since the closed-loop e-waste supply chain's operations are primarily focused on achieving sustainability objectives related to the manufacturing, distribution, reusing, and discarding electrical components, it is crucial to evaluate its success in this area. In order to monitor the performance of supply chains and enhance the processes, the supply chain operations reference model offers suggestions and benchmarking tools. In this study, a conceptual framework is illustrated to show how these standards could be used in the E-waste supply chain to link business processes, metrics, industry standards, and technology in order to enhance the relationship and coordination between the supply chain members and to increase sustainability throughout the supply chain. Insufficient attention so far has been paid to the SCOR model's sustainability criteria, according to an assessment of the literature. Consequently, in the wake of portraying the structure of Supply Chain Operation Reference model, we make sense of which credits should be included in Supply Chain Operation Reference so to reflect manageability and which cycles and practices are related with every standard or should be remembered for Supply Chain Operation Reference to lay out the connection between execution, cycles, and practices.


SCOR model, reverse supply chain, E-waste management, sustainable supply chain, Green Supply Chain Operation Reference

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Cited by

Meihui, L., Khokhar, M., & Patra, I. (2023). Ecological Supply Chain: Tools For Evaluating E-Waste – World Perspective . Problemy Ekorozwoju, 18(2), 167–182.


Liao Meihui 

Tongji University, School of Economic and Management, China China


Maryam Khokhar
Bahria Business School, Department of Business Studies, University Karachi Campus, Karachi, Pakistan Pakistan


Indrajit Patra 

An Independent Researcher, Ex-Research Scholar at NIT Durgapur, Durgapur, West Bengal, India India


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