Biblical and Quranic Argumentation for Sustainable Behaviors Toward Nature

Ryszard F. Sadowski

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland (Poland)

Zafer Ayvaz

Ege University, Izmir, Turkey (Turkey)


We observe an ever-increasing role of religions in fighting the environmental crisis. Religious argumentation has enormous potential to shape the attitudes of the followers of religions. Applying this argumentation can signifi-cantly change attitudes towards the environment in the majority of the human population. Christianity and Islam together have over 4 billion followers. Here, we present seven common Biblical and Quranic issues that are key to human attitudes to nature. The conducted analysis leads to a surprising conclusion. The Bible and Quran similarly encourage their followers to build harmonious relations with the natural world.


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Cited by

Sadowski, R. F. ., & Ayvaz, Z. (2023). Biblical and Quranic Argumentation for Sustainable Behaviors Toward Nature. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 18(1), 152–163.


Ryszard F. Sadowski 

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland Poland


Zafer Ayvaz 

Ege University, Izmir, Turkey Turkey


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