Leszek Gawor
Rzeszów University, Poland (Poland)
To promote, as stated in Point Four of the Johannesburg Declaration, the need to create a new and better world full of hope” in 2005, the UN announced the Decade for Education on Sustainable Development (2005-2014). The main task of the Decade is to convince modern man to take the necessary actions for sustainable social, economic and ecological development as the only way to overcome the threatening further existence of humanity, and through it itself procrastinated civilization dangers.
The current issue of Problemy Ekorozwoju/ Sustainable Development Problems, handed over to the reader, fits into this general framework.
sustainable development, Problemy EkorozwojuGawor , L. (2006). Editorial. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 1(2), 7. Retrieved from https://ph.pollub.pl/index.php/preko/article/view/4302
Leszek GaworRzeszów University, Poland Poland
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