The Scientific Worldview or a Cognitive Illusion?
Barbara Krygier
Instytut Psychosyntezy, Centrum Wspierania Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Człowieka, ul. Goławicka 1, 03-550 Warszawa, Poland (Poland)
We recognize that the pollution of the biosphere is a fact. However, we should also recognize that a similar process of pollution may occur in the sphere of thought (or noosphere, as Viernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin called it). Such pollution of the mind may have tremendous consequences. In the present world we are lost in the multitude of relativistic perspectives, which do not give a coherent picture of the world. And, science is not capable of providing the coherent picture we seek. It is high time to broaden and enrich the existing perspectives (and our thinking about the world) with a cosmic perspective. It has been discussed by Russian thinkers connected with the theory called Cosmizm, such as K. Ciolkovski and W. Vernadsky.
the world view, the role of consciousness, the process of perception, neurophysiological and cosmic conditioningReferences
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Barbara KrygierInstytut Psychosyntezy, Centrum Wspierania Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Człowieka, ul. Goławicka 1, 03-550 Warszawa, Poland Poland
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