Sustainable Development and Medial Society

Ignacy S. Fiut

Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Wydział Nauk Społecznych Stosowanych, Katedra Kulturoznawstwa i Filozofii, ul. Gramatyka 8a, 30-071 Kraków, Poland (Poland)


The paper argues that the developing medial society will support the balancing model of sustained development, selected out of several other solutions. Various categories of this development will be discussed, as presented in the literature on the subject, as will the relationship between sustainable development and the concept of collective welfare, defined in game theory terms, characteristic for the contemporary citizen society subject to globalization processes. Globalization transforms the society into the postindustrial one, in which the growing influence of the media on society of interactions with social and the natural environment plays a major role in the organization of the collective life. It is this which allows inter-human communication on an unprecedented scale, as well as communication with the environment. Neo-liberal theories describing the collective life of people have resulted in a crisis in the public media. Yet, their further development constitutes the condition of actualizing the idea of sustainable development. Media turns out to be indispensable for the realization of a balancing model. This problem will also be discussed in this paper. The author considers the balancing influence of sustainable development within the space of developing medial society as the real path towards the building of ecological order within the framework of social order.


sustainable development, balanced development, collective good, medial society, public media

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Cited by

Fiut, I. S. (2007). Sustainable Development and Medial Society. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 2(2), 85–93. Retrieved from


Ignacy S. Fiut 

Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Wydział Nauk Społecznych Stosowanych, Katedra Kulturoznawstwa i Filozofii, ul. Gramatyka 8a, 30-071 Kraków, Poland Poland


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