Book Review: Marek M. Bonenberg: Tesknota za Olduvai. Artykuły i eseje ekofilozoficzne, Kraków 2006
Ignacy S. Fiut
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków, Polska (Poland)
The book by the Krakow philosopher Marek M. Binenberg is a very mature and complete philosophical overview of the place of man in the cosmos, showing all possible reasons for the ethical approach of man to his living environment, both natural and cultural.
Olduvai, environmental ethics, natural environment, cultural environmentFiut, I. S. (2007). Book Review: Marek M. Bonenberg: Tesknota za Olduvai. Artykuły i eseje ekofilozoficzne, Kraków 2006. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 2(2), 109–111. Retrieved from
Ignacy S. FiutAkademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków, Polska Poland
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