Sustainable Development from Reverse Logistics Perspective
Adam Sadowski
Instytut Ekonomik Stosowanych, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Katedra Towaroznawstwa i Technologii, ul. Rewolucji 1905 r. 41, 90-214 Łódź, Poland (Poland)
The article presents possibilities of implementing the conception of reverse logistics as a form of support for the realization of the strategy of sustainable development. The evolution of the conception of reverse logistics and its stage of development as knowledge have been highlighted. At the same time, attention has been put to lack of comprehensive study in the field of reverse logistics, especially in Polish literature, which could constitute a basis for changing the perception of business activity by the managers of Polish enterprises, and its reorientation in the direction of eco-development.
sustainable development, reverse logistics, supply chain, life cycle approachReferences
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Adam SadowskiInstytut Ekonomik Stosowanych, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Katedra Towaroznawstwa i Technologii, ul. Rewolucji 1905 r. 41, 90-214 Łódź, Poland Poland
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