Awareness of the Impact of EU Ecological Policy, and its Influence on Development in Poland
Jacek Jaśkiewicz
Ministerstwo Środowiska, ul. Wawelska 52/54, 00-922 Warszawa, Poland (Poland)
The article focuses on the environmental Policy of the EU and its short and medium term social and economic impacts in Poland. It describes the close relationship between all three pillars of sustainable development e.g.: social, economic and environmental and underlines the necessity that environmental aspects ought to be taken into account in all development strategies. It suggests also that there should be an integrated approach in implementation of environmental policy.
sustainable development, environmental policy, air protection and climate policy, Emissions Trading System, Energy-Climate PackageJaśkiewicz, J. (2009). Awareness of the Impact of EU Ecological Policy, and its Influence on Development in Poland. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 4(2), 69–72. Retrieved from
Jacek JaśkiewiczMinisterstwo Środowiska, ul. Wawelska 52/54, 00-922 Warszawa, Poland Poland
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