Letter to the Editorial Office: Open Letter to the Polish Authorities
Uczestnicy spotkania w Klubie Twórców Ekorozwoju
Ludowe Towarzystwo Naukowo-Kulturalne, Warszawa (Poland)
Creating a global warning forecasting system should become the first stage of building the informational foundations of an eco-social market economy, focused on cognitive and innovative activity, aimed at the common good.
We call on the Polish authorities to take the initiative to take these proposals into account when programming anti-crisis measures in the program of the participation of the European Union delegation in the next G20 sessions.
eco-social market economy, global warning forecasting system, sustainable developmentEkorozwoju, U. spotkania w K. T. (2009). Letter to the Editorial Office: Open Letter to the Polish Authorities. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 4(2), 141–142. Retrieved from https://ph.pollub.pl/index.php/preko/article/view/4704
Uczestnicy spotkania w Klubie Twórców EkorozwojuLudowe Towarzystwo Naukowo-Kulturalne, Warszawa Poland
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