From the Polish Minister of Environment

Maciej Nowicki

Polish Minister of Environment (Poland)


We are supporting and taking an interest in the initiative to bring the State Environmental Council within the team editing and publishing Problemy Ekorozwoju – Problems of Sustainable Development, a journal that has clearly now taken its rightful place  in  the  international  hierarchy  of such works. It is thanks to this publication that the world has a better and  fuller  presentation  of  environmental thinking in Poland, via both scientific papers and the informing of public opinion on State Environmental Council activity within the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) framework. It just remains for me to wish the editorial team fulfilled expectations as regards the new-formula publication, and all readers success for 2009, in “friendly” social and natural surroundings.


Ministry of Environment, PROS, Problemy Ekorozwoju



Cited by

Nowicki, M. (2009). From the Polish Minister of Environment. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 4(1), 9–10. Retrieved from


Maciej Nowicki 

Polish Minister of Environment Poland


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