Douala – a City of Lost Hopes? Consequences of Decolonisation in Africa versus Sustainable Development

Marta Dorenda-Zaborowicz

ul. Łyskoweskiego 13c/117, 87-100 Toruń (Poland)


One of the most important consequences of decolonisation is instability of political systems in post-colonial States, which evokes further results. Amongst them there are deep economical problems, hampering development and deepening the disproportions between Northern and Southern part of the world. These disproportions are marked the most in Africa. The continent experiences an exceptionally significant problem – rapid urbanisation. The cities expand and the suburbs are inhabited by the citizens of very low income, therefore their quality of living is extremely low as well. Fulfilling basic human rights, such as access to education, healthcare or clean water becomes the problem. The system of social care does not exist, whilst family traditions, which had been replacing it for several years, have been expelled by eastern-European model of city life – atomisation, focus on income, concurrence. Regardless of the region of Africa, similar problems appear in almost all the big cities on its territory.


decolonization, development, access to drinking water, sanitation problems, transport, social networks

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Cited by

Dorenda-Zaborowicz, M. (2011). Douala – a City of Lost Hopes? Consequences of Decolonisation in Africa versus Sustainable Development. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 6(2), 101–106. Retrieved from


Marta Dorenda-Zaborowicz 

ul. Łyskoweskiego 13c/117, 87-100 Toruń Poland


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