Book Review: J. Kurowicki, Estetyczność środowiska naturalnego/Ecoaesthetics of the Natural Environment
Andrzej Papuziński
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy (Poland)
The reviewed book does not contain an attempt to develop an eco-aesthetics in accordance with the presented postulate, which is understandable in the light of the aesthetics inscribed in its concept: as an obligation of epistemology not to provide tools. On the other hand, it is eloquently aged, which eco-aesthetics should not be. In this respect, the full Socratic values of philosophy as enlightenment are obtained, which cure people from naivety.
eco-aestethits, natural environment, sustainable developmentPapuziński, A. (2011). Book Review: J. Kurowicki, Estetyczność środowiska naturalnego/Ecoaesthetics of the Natural Environment. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 6(2), 165–167. Retrieved from
Andrzej PapuzińskiUniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy Poland
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