Communiques of the State Environmental Council of Poland
EEAC annual conference 15-17 September 2011: Wroclaw, Poland
Tomasz Winnicki
The State Environmental Council of Poland (Poland)
The European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils network (EEAC) granted the organization of its annual plenary session and conference again to the State Environmental Council of Poland (PROS) to be held this time in Wroclaw after the previous council’s summit held in Warsaw in 2006.
EEAC, PROSWinnicki, T. (2012). Communiques of the State Environmental Council of Poland: EEAC annual conference 15-17 September 2011: Wroclaw, Poland. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 7(1), 131–138. Retrieved from
Tomasz WinnickiThe State Environmental Council of Poland Poland
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