Sustainable Development: The Four-fold Path to Governance
G Venkatesh
Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 7491 (Norway)
Good governance is central to sustainable development. As the age-old maxim goes, As the King, so are the subjects. Demonstrated commitment and integrity on the part of the governing bodies in villages, towns, cities, provinces and countries, is a sine qua non, if the subjects/citizens/denizens need to be motivated to cooperate in the pursuit of sustainable development. The governing bodies, needless to say, cannot adopt a one-size-fits-all approach while dealing with human beings who have elected them to power.
This article seeks inspiration from ancient Indian history. To be more specific, from the treatise – Arthashastra (Statecraft, in Sanskrit) written by Chanakya, the adviser to the first Maurya Emperor Chandragupta who reigned between 340 BC and 293 BC. The four-fold path suggested includes Saam (gentle exhortation), Daam (providing incentives), Dand (penalizing, levying fines) and Bhed (discriminating and imposing sanctions), in that order of preference.
governance, sustainable development, Saam, Daam, Dand, BhedReferences
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G VenkateshDepartment of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 7491 Norway
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