Ecological deontology in the context of solving the task of ecologization of modern man thinking
Andriy Matviychuk
International University of Economics and Humanities named after Stepan Demianchuk, Faculty of Law, Department of Theory, History of State and Law and Philosophy, St. Bandera Street 63/124, Rivne 33000 (Ukraine)
This article is dedicated to ground the philosophical and methodological concept of a new scientific discipline – ecological deontology (ecodeontology). The author considers ecological deontology as one of the means to address global problems of humanity. Thus, timeliness and prospects of ecological deontology in addressing the issues of greening of a modern man and society subject to practical activity is shown in the article. Scientific background of ecodeontology, its general principles are outlined, object and subject of the research as well as objectives and tasks of a new scientific discipline are defined.
sustainable development, ecological deontology, ecological knowledge, transformation of consciousnessReferences
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Andriy MatviychukInternational University of Economics and Humanities named after Stepan Demianchuk, Faculty of Law, Department of Theory, History of State and Law and Philosophy, St. Bandera Street 63/124, Rivne 33000 Ukraine
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