Roshwald’s Philosophy of Care – the Creative Nature of the Concern (Implications for Sustainable Development)

Jakub Bartoszewski

Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Koninie, Wydział Społeczno-Humanistyczny, Katedra Pedagogiki i Pracy Socjalnej, Przyjaźni 1, 62-508 Konin (Poland)


The article considers issues connected with Professor Mordecai Roshwald’s philosophical and anthropological thought. It presents important elements of the philosophy of care, focusing on its fundamental concepts such as: appeal, dignity, being-with-you, and being-with-we. It is postulated that these elements may be employed to serve ​​the idea of sustainable development. This has been done on the example of the so-called participation: a. social participation, b. mechanisms for citizen participation.


Mordecai Roshwald, philosophy of care, appeal, dignity, being-with-you, being-with-we, participation, social participation, mechanisms for citizen participation

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Cited by

Bartoszewski, J. (2015). Roshwald’s Philosophy of Care – the Creative Nature of the Concern (Implications for Sustainable Development). Problemy Ekorozwoju, 10(2), 151–157. Retrieved from


Jakub Bartoszewski 

Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Koninie, Wydział Społeczno-Humanistyczny, Katedra Pedagogiki i Pracy Socjalnej, Przyjaźni 1, 62-508 Konin Poland


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