Joseph Kozielecki’s Concept of Transgressive Man and the Problems of Sustainable Development
Marek Tański
Katedra Psychologii Zdrowia, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie, ul. Ingardena 4, 30-060 Kraków (Poland)
In this article the author notes, that the development according to Joseph Kozielecki depends on the fact, that man transcends natural, symbolic, social borders, associated with his own inner world, in order to satisfy own needs. He aims to improve the quality of life, and also tries to preserve the natural environment in possibly best condition. This understanding of the concept of development approaches psychologist‘s attitude to the idea of sustainable development, which rests on three pillars: environmental, economic and social. One of the most important categories for understanding development and sustainability issues is the value of life, which is endangered by destructive transgressions as destructive actions contributing to the destruction of natural phenomena, and also causing psychopatic changes in the human personality. Sofronic transgressions are designed, inter alia, to control actions (prudence, moderation, inner discipline, the ability to find a compromise). To be equal to the value of life a transgressive man must be aware of his own dignity.
value of dignity, transgression, hubristic need, know thyself, sustainable developmentReferences
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Marek TańskiKatedra Psychologii Zdrowia, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie, ul. Ingardena 4, 30-060 Kraków Poland
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