Application of Environmental and Social Sustainable Measures by Port of Koper: The Basis for the Regional Approach
Bojan Beškovnik
University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, Pot pomorščakov 4, SI – 6320 Portorož (Slovenia)
Patricija Bajec
University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, Pot pomorščakov 4, SI – 6320 Portorož (Slovenia)
This paper aims at identification of environmental initiatives and measures that affect maritime ports. The first part of the article describes the trend and drivers towards application of environmental measures in port sector. The second part describes the application of environmental measures and social elements at Port of Koper and analyses the main fields of environmental development. The Port of Koper can be used as the case platform for other similar and equally sized ports in the region, therefore a six pillar environmental with a social pillar platform is presented. The study results could help port management to define a scenario for a faster introduction of environmental and social objectives and measures in order to follow sustainable development and position itself in the future green and sustainable supply chains.
ports, environmental initiatives, social pillar of sustainable development, green policyReferences
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Bojan BeškovnikUniversity in Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, Pot pomorščakov 4, SI – 6320 Portorož Slovenia
Patricija BajecUniversity in Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, Pot pomorščakov 4, SI – 6320 Portorož Slovenia
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