Book Review: How to Teach on Sustainable Development Issues? G Venkatesh, Water For All and Other Poems, Cyberwit.Net, 2014
Artur Pawłowski
Lublin University of Technology, Lublin (Poland)
Water For All – yes, we all know this slogan, however rather from the world of media or scientific journals, than from the world of poetry. Why poetry? Maybe because it can touch us from totally different perspective, than any article or movie. The author uses poetry to combine feeling and technology – and it works! Let’s hope, that such reading may be the reason for some good behavioural change among readers. It may make them aware, and wanting to change. So, education with poetry? Why not?
sustainable development, education, poetryPawłowski, A. (2015). Book Review: How to Teach on Sustainable Development Issues? G Venkatesh, Water For All and Other Poems, Cyberwit.Net, 2014. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 10(1), 133. Retrieved from
Artur PawłowskiLublin University of Technology, Lublin Poland
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