Discourses of Ecology and the Sketches of Creative Ecology in the Context of Sustainable Development

Tomas Kačerauskas

Department of Philosophy and Communication, Vilnius Gedimino Technical University Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania (Lithuania)


The paper deals with the different discourses of ecology, including creative ecology, in the context of sustainable development. The author presents a classification of the ecological discourses as follows: meta-ecology, area ecology, educational ecology, linguistic ecology, ecology of novelty, technological ecology, epistemological ecology, approach ecology, political ecology, and ecology of visuality. Additionally, every branch of ecology has been divided into 3 sub-branches. According to the author, ecology has become a problem only after human activity has started to threaten for the very human environment including natural and ipso facto for human being, i.e. for social sustainable development. The extension of ecology discourse could be treated as the result for both of the mania of nature protection and of invasion of cultural area into natural one. The ecological discourses are also often incommensurable, since they stem from very different scientific rims despite analogous terms (ecology) and approaches (environmental). Even in the cases when they do not deal with the nature and natural environment, the laws of nature and the relationships between the organisms within it, serve as a model for an ecological discourse. Some features are characteristic for different discourses of ecology: 1) reference to certain environment; 2) suggested protection of a natural or cultural area; 3) systematic approach; 4) the attitude that the parts of a system are fighting for their survival like the organisms in the nature; 5) dynamic approach towards both the system and its parts under the evolution; 6) conviction that the human activity should be regulated and limited. Creative ecology could be treated both: as a branch in ecology of novelty and as a kind of meta-discourse, since every discourse requires creative thinking. 


creative ecology, ecological thinking, classification of ecologies, creative and cultural industries, discourses of environment

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Cited by

Kačerauskas, T. (2016). Discourses of Ecology and the Sketches of Creative Ecology in the Context of Sustainable Development. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 11(1), 31–39. Retrieved from https://ph.pollub.pl/index.php/preko/article/view/4957


Tomas Kačerauskas 

Department of Philosophy and Communication, Vilnius Gedimino Technical University Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania Lithuania


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