Changes in Environmental Attitudes in Selected Countries of Central and Eastern Europe

Paweł Rydzewski

Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland (Poland)


The ISSP Environment data from 1993-2010 were used to show changes in environmental attitudes in four countries of Central and Eastern Europe: the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Russia. Eight indicators were taken into account in the analysis. The Czech Republic and Slovenia displayed the most similar trends, whereas in Bulgaria and Russia these trends were slightly different. Generally, it can be concluded that pro-environmental attitudes strengthened, especially in the Czech Republic and Slovenia, or at least maintained the same level.


environmental attitudes, Central and Eastern Europe, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Russia, Slovenia, International Social Survey Program

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Cited by

Rydzewski, P. (2016). Changes in Environmental Attitudes in Selected Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 11(1), 65–72. Retrieved from


Paweł Rydzewski 

Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland Poland


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