Climatic Migrations – Consequences of Upsetting Environmental Balance and a of Flaws in Human Protection by International Law
Piotr Krajewski
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, ul. Warszawska 98, 10-702 Olsztyn, Poland (Poland)
Climate changes, natural disasters and other problems caused by reckless or irresponsible human behaviour have resulted in a larger number of refugees than wars and conflicts. Their number is increasing and the trend is unlikely to reverse. Before our eyes, refugees have become the most visible consequence of the climate changes taking place on Earth, along with excessive exploitation of resources and unsustainable use and destruction of aquatic and land ecosystems, mainly agricultural land and forests. Therefore, it is becoming necessary to make oneself and others aware that the massive influx of people – mainly from Asia and Africa – is a signal of the extent of degradation of the living environment and of ecological imbalance in the areas where they previously lived. It is also becoming important to make the world of politics and the international community aware of the changes and of the need to develop plans of action and to take appropriate (if possible) preventive and corrective measures.
climate-induced migrations, environmental crisis, climate changes, unsustainable development, human rightsReferences
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Piotr KrajewskiWydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, ul. Warszawska 98, 10-702 Olsztyn, Poland Poland
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