Pattern of Energy Productivity and Gross Domestic Product Among European Countries
Carmen Elena Stoenoiu
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Machinery and Electric Drives, Romania (Romania)
The first part of the study performs a comparative analysis over a period of 5 years between countries grouped by regions and regions through the energy intensity indicator using the data available in the Eurostat database. A statistical analysis was carried out using one-way ANOVA and post-hoc analysis using the Tukey test, and the three indicators surveyed (energy productivity, energy intensity of the economy, gross domestic product at market prices) allowed comparisons between countries. Thus, groups that differ in average have been highlighted. Using the Tukey test, all comparisons were made between the analyzed countries, taking two in two of each region, for each indicator, allowing the determination of homogeneous groups by checking the null hypothesis.
economic growth, development country, significant differencesReferences
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Carmen Elena StoenoiuTechnical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Machinery and Electric Drives, Romania Romania
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