Forced Migration in Ukraine and Reality of Sustainable Development Goals Achievement
Inna Semenenko
Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, pr. Tsentralny 59-a, Severodonetsk, 93400, Ukraine (Ukraine)
Olena Khandii
Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, pr. Tsentralny 59-a, Severodonetsk, 93400, Ukraine (Ukraine)
The article examines the impact of mass internal migration in Ukraine, caused by the military conflict, on achievement of sustainable development goals in the country. Despite the fact that migration and human mobility issues are mentioned only in six goals, they actually affect the achievement of majority of them. The impact of forced mass internal migration in Ukraine on its sustainable development goals achievement is shown as complex, many-sided, unpredictable and different in strength. Forced displacement of people seem to have not only negative, but also positive impact on country’s sustainable development. Moreover, the achievement of goals in its turn influenced further migration in Ukraine. Perception of forced migration as temporary influence the behaviour of internally displaced people and thus the level and possibility of achievement of sustainable development goals in the country. The analysis of the impact of migration on sustainable development allows to determine priorities and instruments for fight with negative phenomena and support the positive impact of forced migration on the development of regions in Ukraine.
sustainable development, sustainable development goals, migration, internally displaced person, achievement, forced displacement, impactReferences
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Inna SemenenkoDepartment of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, pr. Tsentralny 59-a, Severodonetsk, 93400, Ukraine Ukraine
Olena KhandiiDepartment of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, pr. Tsentralny 59-a, Severodonetsk, 93400, Ukraine Ukraine
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