Implementing Sustainability in Global Supply Chain

Krishnendu Shaw

Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines). Dhanbad, Jharkhand-826004, India (India)


Increasing globalization, unplanned industrialization, and unethical industrial practices have created enormous environmental and social problems. Sustainable development has the potential to handle these problems. Nowadays, environmental and social sustainability are no more considered as voluntary activities to the company. However, these are the needs of the society and human being to survive in the earth. This paper discusses the issues pertaining implementation of sustainability in the global supply chain. The philosophical need of carrying out business from totally profit oriented to sustainable is discussed in this paper. The paper also discusses various operational and strategic issues for implementing sustainability. We conjecture that environmental footprint and social obligations must be monitored beyond the boundary of the country. Environmental footprint and social sustainability should be monitored at each level to make a global supply chain sustainable.


sustainable development, social sustainability, carbon emission, Corporate Social Responsibility, Global Supply Chain

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Cited by

Shaw, K. (2019). Implementing Sustainability in Global Supply Chain. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 14(2), 117–127. Retrieved from


Krishnendu Shaw 

Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines). Dhanbad, Jharkhand-826004, India India


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