China’s Environmental Protection in the New Era from the Perspective of Eco-civilization Construction

Qingzhi Huan

The Research Institute of Marxism, Peking University, China (China)


Under a particular context of China’ eco-civilization construction in the New Era after the 18th national congress of CPC, an interesting question is that the discourse of socialist eco-civilization and its practice can to what an extent reshape or change the relationship among eco-capital, green technology and public participation in achieving a better environmental governance. A field-study in Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, shows clearly that there are both great hope for a radical reconstruction and multitudinous difficulties and challenges in front of the pioneering Green enterprises and the pilot areas of eco-civilization construction.


eco-civilization construction, China, eco-capital, green technology, public participation

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Cited by

Huan, Q. (2020). China’s Environmental Protection in the New Era from the Perspective of Eco-civilization Construction. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 15(1), 7–14.


Qingzhi Huan 

The Research Institute of Marxism, Peking University, China China


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