Sustainable Development Goals in Arab Region – United Arab Emirates’ Case Study
Adam Krzymowski
Former Ambassador of Poland to the United Arab Emirates, Senior Advisor to Expo2020, Dubai and Professor (part time) at Sorbonne University, New York University (Abu Dhabi) and University of Sharjah (Poland)
The article presents an analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab region with particular emphasis on the example of the UAE. The initiatives of this country deserve an in-depth analysis due to their scale, innovative nature and huge ambitions to achieve the first position in the world in many areas of activity, including the achievement of the objectives of the UN 2030 program. The article analyzes projects and their implementation, including Vision 2021, the Green economy program, the National Innovation Strategy, the Energy 2050 Strategy, initiatives for tolerance and world peace, humanitarian aid, or activities related to the fight against climate change. In this context, the World Expo is shown, which will take place in Dubai from October 2020 to April 2021 and for which sustainable development is one of the main themes. This article, presenting all these visions and activities serving their implementation, also shows the context of the huge dynamics of the population development of the UAE, including Dubai, which just before the establishment of the state in 1971 had a population of 80,000 thousand to nearly 4 million today. The article shows the socio-political aspects of sustainable development and the impact of new technologies on sustainable development.
sustainable development, green economy, UN 2030, smart city, renewable energy, climate changesReferences
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Adam KrzymowskiFormer Ambassador of Poland to the United Arab Emirates, Senior Advisor to Expo2020, Dubai and Professor (part time) at Sorbonne University, New York University (Abu Dhabi) and University of Sharjah Poland
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