Risk and Uncertainty in Sustainable Development: Undertaking Politics of the Climate Change in the United States
Olena Ovchynnikova
United Nations System Staff College Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development, Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development, United Nations System Staff College, Martin-Luther-King-Straße 8, Bonn 53175, Germany (Germany)
Scientific evidence of climate change has never been more profound. Activists around the world now demand climate action from global leaders on almost a daily basis. Yet, decision makers are not in a rush to deal with the climate emergency. The present article looks at the politics of climate change through the lens of decision-making under uncertainty to understand whether uncertainty and risk can explain the lack of decisive action on the part of the global leadership and posits that the politics of climate change reflect the climate system itself: complex, multi-layered, driven by many inter-related elements and diverse in its manifestations.
climate change, risk, uncertainty, climate change politics, sustainable development, urban developmentReferences
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Olena OvchynnikovaUnited Nations System Staff College Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development, Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development, United Nations System Staff College, Martin-Luther-King-Straße 8, Bonn 53175, Germany Germany
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