Sustainable Development Management and Building a New Civilization
Franciszek Piontek
WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland (Poland)
The objective of the paper is to:
- analyze and assess assumptions which determine the functioning of the category of management;
- identify the criteria and assumptions of integrated sustainable development management.
The hypothesis: Integrated sustainable development management requires:
- Necessary conditions: the verification of the institutional solutions which function between the category of sustainable development and development concepts based on sustainability and unsustainability and between these concepts and management.
- Sufficient conditions: the decision-making will in accepting this verification, its assumptions and criteria, including the rules of universal procedures.
Final conclusion: Limiting the paradigm of consent, based on the paradigm of deregulation and institutional solutions, which limit creative decisions.
sustainable development, structural order, management, rules of universal procedures, civilization code, deregulationReferences
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Franciszek PiontekWSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland Poland
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