Sustainable Development and Transhumanism – Enlightenment Visions of Future Generations
Jacek Leszek Łapiński
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland)
Łukasz Sadłocha
College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świetokrzyski (Poland)
Both sustainable development and transhumanism are based on forecasting, meaning making judgments about what the future will be like, and they are made according to the results of scientific research.
Sustainable development is an already implemented concept, yet transhumanism is still far from a similar degree of implementation. However, it is worth reflecting on their coexistence, as they already have their place in the scientific discourse. The element connecting sustainable development with transhumanism seems to be an enlightenment vision of human development. The aim of the article is to show the similarities and differences in these approaches to future generations.
sustainable development, transhumanism, enlightenment, future generationsReferences
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Jacek Leszek ŁapińskiThe John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Poland
Łukasz SadłochaCollege of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świetokrzyski Poland
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