Reflection on the Human Living Environment in Connection with Sustainable Development
Wiesław Sztumski
University of Silesia in Katowice, 40-007 Katowice 11, Bankowa St., Poland (Poland)
The author reflects on the possibility of implementing the idea of sustainable development in the environment of human life in various areas and between them. He begins by answering the question what is the human living environment, presents the typology of the areas that make up this environment and indicates the role of human in destroying it. Then, he analyzes selected pairs of areas of the human living environment that are opposite to each other (genuine – artificial, external – internal, natural – social, real – virtual, as well as local – global) because of the possibility of maintaining a balance within them and between them. The balance is a prerequisite for effective implementation of the idea of sustainable development. Finally, he made several conclusions resulting from his reflection.
human living environment, areas of the human living environment, sustainable development, balance, destabilizationReferences
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Wiesław SztumskiUniversity of Silesia in Katowice, 40-007 Katowice 11, Bankowa St., Poland Poland
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