On Sustainable Development under the Conditions of Human Capital Migration: A New Agenda for External and Internal Population Displacement

Nataly Martynovych

University of Modern Knowledge (Ukraine)

Igor Britchenko

University of the National Education Commission (Poland)

Lesya Kolinets

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)

Yuliia Popova

State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Ukraine)


The article examines the relationship between the migration of human capital and the sustainable development of socio-economic systems. The evolutionary role of migration and its dual nature are substantiated. It has been proven that, on the one hand, the influx of migrants creates a burden on social protection systems; on the other hand, developed countries that receive the main migration flows show a fairly high degree of socio-economic sustainability and compete for high-quality human capital. An analysis of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of human capital migration was carried out. The main reasons for external and internal population movement in the EU countries and Ukraine, the directions of trends, the intensity of migration and emigration in the EU countries are identified. Socio-demographic portraits of migrants from the EU countries and Ukraine were formed before and after the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine. The benefits of losses, risks, opportunities for migration of human capital and sustainable development are identified and compared. The consequences of migration for the implementation of Sustainable development goals of host countries and donor countries are identified.

Supporting Agencies

zrównoważony rozwój, wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne przepływy ludności, imigracja, emigracja, kapitał ludzki


sustainable development, internal and external population movement, immigration, emigration, human capital

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Cited by

Martynovych, N., Britchenko, I., Kolinets, L., & Popova, Y. (2024). On Sustainable Development under the Conditions of Human Capital Migration: A New Agenda for External and Internal Population Displacement. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 19(2), 23–34. https://doi.org/10.35784/preko.6230


Nataly Martynovych 
University of Modern Knowledge Ukraine


Igor Britchenko 

University of the National Education Commission Poland


Lesya Kolinets 

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Lithuania


Yuliia Popova 

State University of Infrastructure and Technologies Ukraine


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