Resilience after COVID-19: A Global Review of Recovery Strategies and their impact on Demographic and Economic Sectors

Jhoana Romero
Universidad del Quindio (Colombia)

Monica Mesa

Universidad del Quindío (Colombia)

Cesar Minoli

Universidad del Quindío (Colombia)

Juan Aristizabal

Universidad de Manizales (Colombia)


The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly disrupted the global economy. Understanding its impact on various economic, demographic, and social sectors during the economic recovery phase is crucial, particularly for governments that are attempting to implement post-pandemic public policies. This review aims to summarize and analyze post-COVID-19 economic recovery strategies, focusing on prioritized sectors, the demographic groups most affected, and the existing research gaps, particularly in relation to long-term socioeconomic impacts. Studies published between January 2020 and May 2024 that addressed post-pandemic recovery strategies were included in the review.


post-pandemic economic recovery, economic resilience, economic sectors, demographic impacts, impact on women

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Cited by

Romero, J., Mesa, M., Minoli, C., & Aristizabal, J. (2025). Resilience after COVID-19: A Global Review of Recovery Strategies and their impact on Demographic and Economic Sectors . Problemy Ekorozwoju, 20(1), 74–95.


Jhoana Romero
Universidad del Quindio Colombia


Monica Mesa 

Universidad del Quindío Colombia


Cesar Minoli 

Universidad del Quindío Colombia


Juan Aristizabal 

Universidad de Manizales Colombia


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