The Journal Problemy Ekorozwoju/ Problems of Sustainable Development as a Polish Platform for International Interdisciplinary Scientific Discourse

Artur Pawłowski
Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering (Poland)


This paper presents current status of a Polish scientific journal Problemy Ekorozwoju/ Problems of Sustainable Development, with unique position in the field of sustainable development research. Its mission is to promote interdisciplinary approaches to ecological, economic, technological as well as social and philosophical challenges in the pursuit of sustainable growth. Since its inception, the journal has consistently pursued ambitious scientific goals, capturing the attention of researchers and practitioners worldwide. What is important, the journal is not publishing local case studies, concentrated on international perspective.

The publisher is Lublin University of Technology, from the year 2008 the journal has under patronage of the European Academy of Science and Art.

The first number was published in  2006.  Since that time we published over 750 papers in 38 numbers of the journal.

Since there are no fees, it is also a chance to publish scientific papers in an international journal for scientists from poorer countries.

The publication language is English.

The journal has good and stable international scientific parameters, Impact Factor = 1.0 and CitiScore = 2.7, which allows us to be in the 3rd quartile of scientific journals (according to SJR Scimago).

The level of rejection is very high, 83% in 2024.

The journal is following COPE ethical standards.

With rising number of submissions (almost 300 in 2024) the future of the journal looks promising.


Problemy Ekorozwoju journal, interdisciplinary approach, sustainable development

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Cited by

Pawłowski, A. (2025). The Journal Problemy Ekorozwoju/ Problems of Sustainable Development as a Polish Platform for International Interdisciplinary Scientific Discourse. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 20(1), 1–5.


Artur Pawłowski
Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering Poland


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