The Growth of the Man in the Context of the Biosphere Evolution
Barbara Krygier
Instytut Psychosyntezy w Warszawie, Poland (Poland)
At the beginning of the 21st century nobody can deny that general modernization and reinterpretation of our knowledge about human being as part of the biosphere is needed. Holistic look requires to take into consideration the whole modern knowledge. It requires to put attention not only on the Arts but also on the field of science, in which it can explain the process of life in its all dimensions. It is connected with consciousness of civilization changes, causing fundamental changes in attitude towards education. Education can be treated as a process of liberation of human nature potential, which is codified in our biophysical and spiritual structure, but this is required to be activated by inspiration of educational consciousness. Understanding the role of mankind as a conscious factor in the evolving Universe increases understanding of dynamic character of all kinds of processes, including education. This kind of approach is putting pressure on the creation and also active co-creation of social environment, in balance with natural environment.
biosphere evolution, civilizational changes, education, sustainable developmentReferences
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Barbara KrygierInstytut Psychosyntezy w Warszawie, Poland Poland
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