The Concept of Inclusion in the Context of Sustainable Development
Agnieszka Salamucha
University of Warsaw, Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation, Podchorążych 20, 00-721 Warsaw, Poland (Poland)
The article presents a semantic analysis of the concept of inclusion, which – treated as the central category for Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (United Nations) – requires further definition. Initially, I outline the history and etymology of the word inclusion, provide various contexts of its use in Polish common language and in the academic area, take a closer look at the word family as well as synonyms and antonyms of the term inclusion (especially exclusion). Next, I explore functions of the concept of inclusion (descriptive, explanatory, normative) and problems regarding the concept. The conclusion contains four types of referents of the term inclusion.
inclusion, exclusion, concept, semantic analysisReferences
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Agnieszka SalamuchaUniversity of Warsaw, Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation, Podchorążych 20, 00-721 Warsaw, Poland Poland
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