Legal Peculiarities of Implementing the Concept of Sustainable Development in the National Forest Legislation (in Terms of Russia)

Aleksey Anisimov

Department of Civil Law and Process of the Kalmyk State University, Russia (Russian Federation)

Anatoly Ryzhenkov

Department of Civil Law and Process of the Kalmyk State University, Russia (Russian Federation)

Anna Shulga

Volgograd Institute of Management – Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russian Federation)


The article examines peculiarities of implementing the concept of sustainable development in the forest legislation of Russia. On the basis of analysis of legislative provisions and law enforcement practice the authors substantiate the conclusion that, despite a number of drawbacks of Russian criteria and indicators of sustainable development in the field of forest use, their approval means Russia’s commitment to their observance to assess the level of sustainable development, since they are a mechanism for monitoring of and influence on the system of sustainable management of forests. These criteria and indicators require further development by including social indicators of sustainable development in them, which will allow moving from the strategy for ensuring rational use of forests aimed only at finding a balance between environmental and economic interests to full implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the field of forest use.


sustainable forestry development, sustainable forest management, sustainable development of forest complex, sustainable forest use, forest

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Cited by

Anisimov, A., Ryzhenkov, A., & Shulga, A. (2018). Legal Peculiarities of Implementing the Concept of Sustainable Development in the National Forest Legislation (in Terms of Russia). Problemy Ekorozwoju, 13(2), 33–42. Retrieved from


Aleksey Anisimov 

Department of Civil Law and Process of the Kalmyk State University, Russia Russian Federation


Anatoly Ryzhenkov 

Department of Civil Law and Process of the Kalmyk State University, Russia Russian Federation


Anna Shulga 

Volgograd Institute of Management – Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Russian Federation


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