Georgiy Baranov
g_baranov@mail.ruNational Transport University, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine (Ukraine)
Viktoriia Kosenko
National Transport University, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine (Ukraine)
In the article, methods of improving functional stability on-board information and control systems available for vehicles are considered. Models, methods and tools for automating the management process of ergatic (Man-Machine Systems) innovative systems of transport are proposed. At a time of increased risk of critical (crisis) situations caused by the actions of environmental factors and threatening accidents and disasters, they ensure the safety of functional stability in a single space-time continuum.
transportation, traffic safety, functional stability, automation technology, reducing the riskReferences
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National Transport University, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine Ukraine
Viktoriia KosenkoNational Transport University, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine Ukraine
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